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W > Y > V > U So, X must be 65kg. X > W > Y > V > U
Q is older than R. N and O are of equal age. S is the youngest. P is younger than O. P is older than Q. How many persons are younger than P?
Akshi ranked seventh from the bottom and twelve from the top among those who went to France from India for Technical tour from the college. Seven girls ...
What is the probable weight of M?
Six persons S, T, U, V, W and X have different weights in kg. T is heavier than U but lighter than S, who is the second heaviest among all. W is lighter...
What may be the possible height of pillar K?
What is the probable age of F?
N is heavier than I but lighter than U. P is lighter than N but heavier than I. H is heavier than I and U. Who is the heaviest?
What is the weight of N?
If the sum of sweets in carton M and N is 88 and sum of sweets in carton N and P is 66, then what is the probable number of sweets in carton L?
Alex, Ben, Chris, Denis, Emma, Foxy, and Gogo study at the same university. Foxy and Gogo are the second eldest and eldest respectively, between them. E...