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T gets lesser score than only U and S. V scores lesser than T and more than W. U/S > S/U > T > V > W S does not score the highest runs which means U scores the highest. U > S > T > V > W So, S and V score second highest and lowest runs respectively.
The share of net demand and time liabilities that banks must maintain in safe and liquid assets, such as, government securities, cash and gold with...
RBI has been using CAMELS based supervision for banks. Which of the following is not included in CAMELS?
FTSE is stock market index of _______?
From the given, which market operates around the clock -
Currency Swap is an instrument to manage-
Which is the first Indian company to be listed in NASDAQ?
Which of the following acts is/are associated with management of foreign exchange and prevention of money-laundering?
An Option that can be exercised on any date before and including the expiry date is called
Which among the following is/are the area(s) of operation regarding which complaints can be received by the Banking Ombudsman?
RBI recently noticed misleading advertisements of unauthorised Electronic Trading Platforms (ETPs) offering forex trading facilities to Indian residents...