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T is taller than S but shorter than W. U is shorter than S but taller than V. V is not the shortest person. R is taller than S but not the tallest. We get W is the tallest person and X is the shortest person. R and T are the 2nd and the 3rd tallest person but may not be in same order. S, U and V are the 4th, 5th and 6th tallest persons respectively. Therefore, the arrangement we get on the basis of heights: W (tallest) > R/T > T/R > S > U > V > X (shortest) Equal number of persons are heavier and lighter than the tallest person. The shortest person is heavier than the tallest person but he is not the heaviest. The third shortest person is just lighter than the second shortest person. S is lighter than U but heavier than the second tallest person. R is heavier than T but not just heavier than T. _____ > _____ > _____ > W > _____ > _____ > _____ W is the 4th tallest person. X is either 2nd or 3rd heaviest person. U is just lighter than V. X is the 3 rd heaviest person, V is the heaviest person and U is the 2nd heaviest person. S is lighter than W. We get T is the lightest person and he is the 2nd tallest person. R and S are the 3rd and the 2nd lightest persons respectively. R is the 3rd tallest person. Therefore, the final arrangement on the basis of height: W (tallest) > T > R > S > U > V > X (shortest) And the final arrangement on the basis of weight: V (heaviest) > U > X > W > R > S > T (lightest)
Under Monopoly the supply curve is absent because?
Sonia has decided to always spend one-tenth of her income on shoes. Her income and price elasticities of demand for shoes are
For which preferences the income offer curve and the price offer curve are equal?
Probability machine A fails = 40% and machine B fails = 50%. What is the probability plant will work when both machines work well?