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So, D is the third lightest and A is the second heaviest persons among all. Also, C is not the heaviest but heavier than E and B which means F is heaviest. F > A > C > D > E/B > B/E So, person C is lighter than person A but heavier than person D which means the weight of person C may be 49 kg.
Average of four numbers is 18. Sum of smallest and largest number is 32. If difference between other two numbers is 2, then find the square of second sm...
The average age of 16 girls is 35 years. If the age of two more girls is added the average decreases by 3.5 years. What is the sum of the age of new girls?
Average weight of each student, in a class of 70 students, is 86kg. If the ratio of number of boys and girls in the class is 4:3, respectively and avera...
In a school with 400 students, the average of the age of the boys is 16 years and that of the girls is 12 years. If the average age of the school is 14 ...
In a College with 1200 students, the average age of the boys is 24 years and that of girls is 17 years. If the average age of the college is 22 years an...
The average of three numbers P, Q and R is 1600. R is 75% more than P. The ratio of P and Q is 4:5 respectively. If R is 25% less than S, then find out ...
The average salary of a group of 60 employees is Rs. 400. If 6 employees receiving an average salary of Rs. 450 leave the group and 4 new employees rece...
Average run scored by a batsman in first ‘x’ matches is 44. In next 8 matches he scored runs with an average of 80 so that his overal...
The average daily income of 7 men, 11 women and 2 boys is Rs.257.50. If the average daily income of the men is Rs.10 more than that of women and the ave...
The certain sum amounts to Rs11313.5 in 2(1/2) years at 12% p.a., interest compounded 10 months. The sum (in Rs) is: