लड़कियों की एक पंक्ति में सामने से श्वेता का स्थान 11 वां है और सीमा , गीता से 3 स्थान आगे है जो कि सामने से 22 वें स्थान पर है। पंक्ति में श्वेता और सीमा के बीच में कितनी लड़कियां हैं ?
सामने से श्वेता का स्थान = 11th सामने से सीमा का स्थान = 22-3 = 19th श्वेता और सीमा के बीच लडकियों की कुल संख्या = 19-11-1 = 7th
How is W related to T?
How is H related to son of M?
Which of the following statement is definitely true?
In a family, E is the father of H, F is the mother of I, H is the brother of I and G is married to H. Who is the father-in-law of G?
How is M related to I?
Pointing to a photograph, Rashika said” He is the grandson of my grandmother’s only child.” How is the boy in photograph related to Ra...
A is the husband of B, C is the mother-in-law of B, D is the father of A, E is the mother of D, F is the mother of C and G. If H is the father of D, the...
Who is the mother of N?
How is Q related to O?
How is K related to N?