Each even digit in the number 245367 is replaced by the next higher digit and each odd digit is replaced by the previous lower digit and the digits obtained are rearranged in ascending order. Which of the following will be the second from the left end after the rearrangement?
Given number- 2 4 5 3 6 7
After change - 3 5 4 2 7 6 2 3 4567
In which of the following expressions will the expression ‘ Q > B ’ be definitely true?
Statement: P ≤ W < O = D ≥ G > T
I. P ≤ T
II. W < D
Statements: U ≥ P ≥ I ≤ X; Y ≥ P < V; I ≤ W
Conclusions: I. U ≥ W II. Y ≥ I
...In which of the following expressions will the expression ‘S > Y’ and ‘R > Y be definitely true?
Statements: F > T = O > E < P ≤ X > H < M
Conclusion I: F ≥ E
II: X > E
Which of the following would replace @ and & respectively in the following expression such that ‘O > A’ is definitely true?
U = O > W # B ≤...
Which of the following symbols should replace the sign (@) respectively in the given expression in order to make the expression Y ≥ Z and D > K defini...
Statements: J < K = L ≥ M ≥ P; F ≥ K < G
Conclusion I. J < G II.F ≥ P
...Which of the following expressions will be true if the expression Q ≥ M = R > F = E ≤ X is definitely true?
Statements: P ≥ S ≥ C ≤ U; N ≥ S < G ; C ≤ M
Conclusion I. P ≥ N II.M < S