Here the rule followed is: numbers are getting arranged in ascending order. The smallest no. interchanges with the first position. Then the largest no. interchanges with the last position. Next, the second smallest no. interchanges with the second position. And so on In such type of settings previous step can’t be determined.
-20, -16, -7, 9, 31, 70
5 11 23 43 85 171 341
...14, 16, 22, 46, 172, 886
8 10 36 216 2592 62208
Find the wrong number in given number series.
1687, 1666, 1618, 1549, 1457, 1342.
256 768 96 288 35 108
334, 301, 271, 251, 239, 233
8 12 21 36 62 98
1024, 1056, 1096, 1144, 1196, 1260
71 81 61 101 51 181