If all the letters of the word COMMUNITY are replaced by their immediate succeeding letter (in alphabetical series), then from the left end which letter is immediate succeeding letter (in alphabetical series) of the 5th letter of the word, so formed?
C O M M U N I T Y D P N N V O J U Z Now, 5th letter of the word is V and W is its immediate succeeding letter (in the alphabetical series).
Who founded the Sikh Khalsa?
Government issues equity instruments in primary market
Which of the following is NOT a plant product?
On which date Savita Kanswal (Uttarakashi) and many mountaineers died in Draupadi Ka Danda-2 due to a massive avalanche?
Which term is used for extending financial support to a company or a country facing a potential bankruptcy threat?
The Raslila dance is associated with which Hindu deity?
An NSE Prime company needs at least _____% public shareholding as against 25% under the SEBI rules.
Match the following-
Who was the king to rule Ujjain in 1st BCE?
The Book ‘Divine Life’ is written by