We have: Age of D is 46 years and likes Blue,that means D was born in 1972. The difference of age of D and N is 12 years, that means we have two possible year for N, in case (1) N was born in 1984, in case (2) N was born in 1960. B’s age is equal to the last two digit of birth year of N, that means in case (1) age of B must be either 48 or 84 year but 84 is not valid as no person was born before 1950 thus as B was born in 1970, in case (2) age of B must be either 06 or 60 year but 06 is not valid as no person was born after 2004 thus as B was born in 1958 and B likes PINK. Based on above given information we have: Again, we have: The difference of age of K and B is 6 years, that means we have four possible birth year for K, in case (1a) K was born in 1964, in case (1b) K was born in 1976, in case (2a) K was born in 1952, in case (2b) K was born in 1964. A’s age is equal to the last two digit of birth year of K, that means in case (1a)& case (2b) possible age of A is either 64 or 46 years, as D was born in 1972 thus A must born in 1954, in case (1b) possible age of A is either 67 or 76 years, as no person was born before 1950 thus A must born in 1951, in case (2a) possible age of A is either 52 or 25 years, as A was not born after 1965, that means case (2a) is not valid. Based on above given information we have:
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