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We have: Age of D is 46 years and likes Blue,that means D was born in 1972. The difference of age of D and N is 12 years, that means we have two possible year for N, in case (1) N was born in 1984, in case (2) N was born in 1960. B’s age is equal to the last two digit of birth year of N, that means in case (1) age of B must be either 48 or 84 year but 84 is not valid as no person was born before 1950 thus as B was born in 1970, in case (2) age of B must be either 06 or 60 year but 06 is not valid as no person was born after 2004 thus as B was born in 1958 and B likes PINK. Based on above given information we have: Again, we have: The difference of age of K and B is 6 years, that means we have four possible birth year for K, in case (1a) K was born in 1964, in case (1b) K was born in 1976, in case (2a) K was born in 1952, in case (2b) K was born in 1964. A’s age is equal to the last two digit of birth year of K, that means in case (1a)& case (2b) possible age of A is either 64 or 46 years, as D was born in 1972 thus A must born in 1954, in case (1b) possible age of A is either 67 or 76 years, as no person was born before 1950 thus A must born in 1951, in case (2a) possible age of A is either 52 or 25 years, as A was not born after 1965, that means case (2a) is not valid. Based on above given information we have:
In the WHO’s 2024 initiative, SARAH, what does the letter ‘S’ represent?
Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary, a bird sanctuary is found in which Indian state?
Who among the following social reformers founded an educational institution, Hindu Widows Home, in Poona in the year 1896?
Lafarge, the world's largest cement manufacturer, founded in 1833 by Joseph-Auguste Pavin de Lafarge, is currently a part of which group?
In DICGC what does G stands for?
What is the correct full form of NABARD from below?
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