Three persons are living above N. No one is living above the one who go to Bangalore. The one who goes to Patna is living at floor number 2. C is living at one of the floors above N but does not go to Bangalore. So, we have two cases: Three persons are living between E and P, who goes to Lucknow and living at one of the floors above E. The number of persons living above the one who goes to Lucknow is the same as the number of persons below the one who goes to Agra. E does not go to Indore and Meerut and is not living on an even numbered floor. So, the case-2 is eliminated. The one who goes to Haridwar lives on an even numbered floor below N. A does not live on an odd numbered floor but is living immediately above the one who goes to Punjab. There are two persons are living between O and G who does not go to Punjab. The one who goes to Indore lives immediately above the one who goes to Meerut. H does not go to Meerut. The final arrangement:
Which of the following numbers will replace the question mark (?) in the given series?
76, 99, 135, 185, 250, ?
Which figure depicts the relationship between:
Man, Ornithology, Profession
Out of the following five figures, four are alike in some manner and one differs from these in that manner. Select the Odd figure.
Which two signs should be interchanged to make the given equation correct?
36× 15 + 784 – 16 ÷ (45× 12) = 49
In the following question, select the number which can be placed at the sign of question mark (?) from the given alternatives.
Which of the option figures is the exact mirror image of the given problem figure when the mirror is held at the right side?
Problem figure:
...127.08 – [17.02 + 3 of (6.50 – 0.5 × 2.02)] = ?
Form a meaningful word with the third, fourth, fifth, seventh and tenth letters of the word 'PERSONALITY'. What is the last letter of that word?
If A is the son of Q, Q and Y are sisters, Z, is the mother of Y, P is the son of Z, then which of the following statements is correct?