E is going to Pune on Saturday. C going on Monday but does not go to Mumbai. Table is below. The one who goes on Tuesday is going to Punjab. G is going on Sunday. The one who is going on Thursday is going to Bangalore. B going to Delhi but does not go on Friday. D goes to Dehradun. Hence, B have only option to go on Wednesday and D has also only one option to go on Friday. A does not go to Punjab. Hence, A has only one option to go on Thursday. Now we have only one employee is left who is F. So, place F in the table. Now, C does not go to Mumbai because of this C has only one option to go to Meerut. Now, G goes to Mumbai.
Only a few Auctions is Sales.
Only a few Costs is Auctions.
No Cost is Inventory.
All A are B
All B are C
Some C are D
I. All B are A
II. Some D are A
Statements: a. Some forests are trees.
b. Some trees are flowers.
c. All forests are deserts..
Statements:All gems are stones.
Some stones are diamonds.
Some diamonds are jewelry.
Some jewelry are pearls.
No black is blue
Some black are red
Only a few blues are orange
I. All red can never be blue
I. Some Mermaids are not Sharks.
II. Every Sharks can be Dolphins.
No television is a magazine.
Some magazines are radios.
Some radios are newspapers.
All newspapers are journal...
Statements: No magazine is a newspaper.
                            All newspaper are articles.
Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to be at varianc...
Three statements are given followed by three conclusions numbered I, |I & Ill. Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance w...