Word code Life-na Is-ta Succession-la Lessons-pa Which/be- ka/sa Must-ja Lived/to- ma/ra Understood-ba
Read the directions carefully and answer the following question.
Seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G are sitting in the straight horizontal l...
Who is sitting third to the left of Iti?
In a row of boys, A is thirteenth from the left and D is seventeenth from the right. If in this row A is eleventh from the right, then what is t...
Five people are standing in a ticket booking line. S, U and V are standing together, V is between S and U. S is immediately behind T and W is immediatel...
How many persons sit between the one who sits to the immediate right of O and the one who sits to the immediate right of L?
Who is to the immediate right of Y?
Six persons Q, R, S, T, U and V sit around a circular table facing towards the center but not necessarily in the same order. S sits immediate right of T...
Who among the following person sits at the longer side of the table?
I) The one who sits immediate left of W
III) T...
Who among the following person sits facing the one who likes Grapes?
Seven girls A, B, C, D, E, F and G sit in a row facing towards the north (not necessarily in the same order). D sits fifth to the right of A. D does not...