From 1, 2, 4, 6 From 3, 4, 6
We know that Jaspreet is second to the right of Jaadav, who is an immediate neighbor of John and Jaichand. John sits at 5. Thus, Jaichand can either be seated at 7 or 3. But the person sitting at 7 has purple as the favourite colour. But Jaichand’s favourite colour is green. Thus Jaichand sits at 3 and Jaadav sits at 4. And hence, Jaspreet sits at 2. Also, the ones who like orange and blue sit opposite each other. Thus, Jaiveer likes Orange. Also, The one who likes Red and the one who likes Black are immediate neighbours. The only possibility for red to be sated is at 2 (8 already occupied). Thus, the one who likes pink is seated at 6. Jaichand is not an immediate neighbor of either Jasbir or John but is third to the right of Jignesh. Thus Jignesh sits at 6. The one who likes Orange is an immediate neighbor of Jimal and Jasbir. The exact positions for Jimal and Jasbir are not clear from the given data. Thus, either of them can be seated at 1 and 7
If 33.5% of a number is 11.75, then what is the number?
Determine the percentage of people (males and females combined) who tested negative for corona when 1200 males and 800 females were tested, with 45% of ...
In a city, the number of persons travelling by bike is 52.5% the number of persons travelling by metro. The number of persons travelling on foot is 60% ...
The monthly income of B is 25% more than that of A. If the income of B is Rs. 42000 and A saves 40% of his monthly income, then find A’s expenditure.
In a test, P got 25% of total marks and failed by 60 marks while Q got 45% of total marks which is 23 more than passing marks. Find the total marks of t...
A man invested all his current month income in starting of a new business in which he spends 25% in advertisement 20% of remaining in furniture 10% of r...
In a train, 45% of the passengers are females. Out of total number of passengers, 65% have unreserved tickets out of which 27% are females. How much per...
The income of ‘A’ increases by 33% every year. If the present income of ‘A’ is Rs. 35378 and his expenditure 2 years ago from now was Rs. 14580,...
The income of a person is Rs.12000 and his expenditure is Rs.8000. In the next year his income and expenditure is increased by 10% and 20% respectively....
A man's income was raised by 25%, which led him to increase his expenditure by 12.5%. As a result, his savings grew from Rs. 4,800 to Rs. 8,400. What is...