From 1, 2, 4, 6 From 3, 4, 6 We know that Jaspreet is second to the right of Jaadav, who is an immediate neighbor of John and Jaichand. John sits at 5. Thus, Jaichand can either be seated at 7 or 3. But the person sitting at 7 has purple as the favourite colour. But Jaichand’s favourite colour is green. Thus Jaichand sits at 3 and Jaadav sits at 4. And hence, Jaspreet sits at 2. Also, the ones who like orange and blue sit opposite each other. Thus, Jaiveer likes Orange. Also, The one who likes Red and the one who likes Black are immediate neighbours. The only possibility for red to be sated is at 2 (8 already occupied). Thus, the one who likes pink is seated at 6. Jaichand is not an immediate neighbor of either Jasbir or John but is third to the right of Jignesh. Thus Jignesh sits at 6. The one who likes Orange is an immediate neighbor of Jimal and Jasbir. The exact positions for Jimal and Jasbir are not clear from the given data. Thus, either of them can be seated at 1 and 7
Which state has covered largest area under organic certification?
Indian Head Patents Office is located in
Mealy bug is the major pest of:
Lichens, the pioneer organisms that initiate ecological succession are actually a symbiotic association of
…………………………….is the prominent member of 1:1 type group in which one tetrahedral and one octahedral layer is present.
...Extension education was first time started in which country?
Microbes added to soils to decrease the level of contaminants from root area of the plants is called as ___
Which fungal disease affects rice plants and is characterized by white, powdery growth on leaves and stems?
A type of farming in which no single product source of income equals as much as 50% of the total receipts is ____
The law by which company cannot make its product illegally similar to competitor’s product?