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(i) A is opposite to E.A is sitting between two persons who are facing outwards.G is sitting immediate left of E. (ii)G is sitting opposite to C.C is facing outwards. C is sitting immediate left of B.B & D are facing inward & are sitting next to each other. D is immediate right of B.
(iii)I is sitting immediate right of F. There are 3 persons between D & F.
Avena curvature test is related with
Guava flesh pink spot variety also known as sardar
_________ is an average amount of output produced by each corresponding units of inputs. It is also defined as the total physical product or output per...
Genetically the purest seed stock is
Which of the following crop responds well to sulphur?
Cultivation of crops in areas receiving annual rainfall more than750 mm but less than 1150 mm is known as
When the production of both inter crops is equal to that of its solid planting, it is known as
Based on whose recommendations does the Ministry of Agriculture fix MSP of cotton?
Which is the egg parasitoid of sugarcane pyrilla?
An area is considered drought stricken, when the annual rainfall is less than