First fix one position for Bengaluru and put U, who belongs to Hyderabad on the immediate left of it. Only one person sits between T and U and he belongs to Kolkata so he sits on the immediate right of U. The person who belongs to Hyderabad sits to the immediate right of the person preparing for the Gate examination. Also S belongs to New Delhi and preparing for IBPS PO and sits at a position diametrically opposite that of the person, who belongs to Kolkata and he is sitting on the immediate left of the person who belongs to Kanpur. The only city left is Mumbai and T, who is the only person left belongs to it Step 2: The person who belongs to Mumbai sits at a position diametrically opposite that of the person preparing for CDS. Since neither P or Q belongs to Bengaluru so only person left is R and he belongs to Bengaluru also Q is not preparing for GATE examination so only position left for him is to the immediate right of S and only place left for P is to the immediate right of U. Step 3: Since the person preparing for CAT belongs to neither Mumbai nor Kanpur so the person preparing for CAT belongs to Hyderabad and the person preparing for SSC CHSL does not belong to Mumbai so he belongs to Kanpur and the only examination left is UPSC, it belongs to only place left i.e. Mumbai.
Guava flesh pink spot variety also known as sardar
The nematode lacks:
Crop failure due to prolonged dry spells during crop period and less than 75 days of crop growing season are the characteristics of which type of farming?
The process by which a single cell divides into two daughter cells is called:
Allocative efficiency is also called as
Rice contains __% protein. Rice protein is known as ___
The target for the flow of credit to agriculture for 2022-23 has been fixed at…………………..
Stomata are regulated by:
Trichoderma viride, a bioagent to control some diseases in crop plants, acts as:
In 2023, Chokuwa Rice was awarded the Geological indication tag. This rice is a semi-glutinous variety, with a unique texture and flavor. It is widely...