Who among the following attends the singing class immediately after the one who has tuition in Raipur?
X attends singing class only after one person and has tuition neither in Ranchi nor in Noida. P attends singing class on Tuesday and has tuition in Meerut. Only three person attend singing class between P and T who do not have her tuition in Kanpur. Only three person attend singing class between Y and W but W attends singing class after P. Neither Y nor W attends singing class on Wednesday. So, there can be two possibilities- Y does not attend singing class in evening. From this case-2 will get eliminated. The one who attends class on Thursday has tuition centre in Kanpur. Both S and Q attend singing class on same day. Four person attend singing class between V and S. V attends singing class before S and has tuition centre in Lucknow. Both who has tuition centre in Pune and Dehradun attends singing class on same day. Q does not has tuition centre in Dehradun. U attends singing class immediately before R who has tuition centre in Delhi.
घुमक्कड़ शब्द में कौन सा प्रत्यय है:
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