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Aryan sits second to the right of Arjun The one who likes Apple fruit sits immediate left of Arjun. ankush likes Orange fruit and sits second to the right of Anil. The one who likes Cherry fruit sits third to the left of Anil who likes Papaya fruit
The one who likes Kiwi fruit sits second to the right of the one who likes Watermelon fruit who sits to immediate right of ___(4)___. ____(5)____ likes Kiwi fruit and sits immediate right of Abhishek. So case-1, 3 is invalid.
____Aryan(5)_____ likes Kiwi fruit and sits immediate right of Abhishek. Arjun likes __Watermelon(1)__fruit. Aman doesn’t like Apple fruit. Aman doesn’t like Mango fruit The one who sits second to left of Aniket likes Mango fruit.
____(2) ___ likes Banana fruit. Ankit sits second to the left of the one who likes __(3)___fruit. The one who likes Kiwi fruit sits second to the right of the one who likes Watermelon fruit who sits to immediate right of ___(4) Aniket ___. ____Aman (2) ___ likes Banana fruit. Ankit sits second to the left of the one who likes __Apple(3)___fruit.
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