Three persons sit between E and the one who works in company F. K sits third to the left of the one who works in company F. Two persons sit between K and S, who does not work in company F. Case 1 will be dropped because two persons sit between K and S, who does not work in company F. U sits third to the left of S. Neither S nor U is an immediate neighbour of E. The one who works in company P sits second to the right of T. M sits immediate right of the one who works in company P. The one who works in company H sits fourth to the right of J. The one who works in company W sits immediate right of A. Case 2A will be dropped because the one who works in company W sits immediate right of A. Case 2B will be dropped because A and J are not immediate neighbours. As many persons sit between L and the one who works in company R is same as the persons sit between L and the one who works in company Q. Immediate neighbour of K neither works in company R nor works in company Q. The one who works in company I sits immediate right of the one who works in company Q. As many persons sit between the one who works in company B and the one who works in company R is as same as the number of persons sit between the one who works in company Z and the one who works in company W. The one who works in company Z and the one who works in company W are not immediate neighbours.
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