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The one who visits Kanpur sits immediate next to Q. The one who visit Pune sits third to the right of the one who visits Kanpur. Two persons are sits between the one who visit Pune and the one who visit Dehradun. U sits second to the left of the one who visit Dehradun.
Two persons are sits between U and R (either left or right form U). S sits immediate left of R.
The one who visits Raipur sits third to the right of P. T sits immediate right of the one who visits Raipur. The one who visits Mumbai sits second to the right of the one who visits Jaipur.
The one who visits Delhi is not an immediate neighbor of S. From this statement Case 2 is eliminated and case 1 will be our final arrangement.
Which process converts cotton fibres into yarn by adding twist?
Minimum sample size to apply x2 test is
Cultivated bread wheat or common wheat is ____
Chhena of better quality is prepared from
Which new wheat variety stands out for its ability to release glucose more slowly into the bloodstream?
Highest water use efficiency is found in
Most commonly used measure of central tendency
Which of the following herbicides is used to control weeds in zero tillage?
In symbiotic relationship between plant and bacteria
The disorder found in mango which is caused due to improper pollination and fertilisation is