The one who visits Kanpur sits immediate next to Q. The one who visit Pune sits third to the right of the one who visits Kanpur. Two persons are sits between the one who visit Pune and the one who visit Dehradun. U sits second to the left of the one who visit Dehradun. Two persons are sits between U and R (either left or right form U). S sits immediate left of R. The one who visits Raipur sits third to the right of P. T sits immediate right of the one who visits Raipur. The one who visits Mumbai sits second to the right of the one who visits Jaipur. The one who visits Delhi is not an immediate neighbor of S. From this statement Case 2 is eliminated and case 1 will be our final arrangement.
China is ___________ how Artificial Intelligence and big data can be used.
Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
The nationalists followed a policy of non-violence to make their ______ successful.
Ankita __ _ waiting for the train ___ three hours.
After his promotion, John was _______ with excitement.
The artist’s work was ______ for its originality and depth.
The professor's lecture was so _______ that even students who were usually uninterested found themselves engaged.
In the following question a sentence is given with a blank followed by 5 options. From the given options choose the option which can fill the given bla...
Choose the best way to complete these passive voice sentence
The road ______
After a plane crash in a remote area, your main ............ for ................ would be shelter, water and food.
The Sun ……… water to evaporate and rise up and this ……… again as rains.