We have, G sits second to the left of K. Two persons are sitting between K and J. F and J are sitting adjacent to each other. From the above condition, there are three possibilities Again we have, The number of persons sitting between K and F is the same as between K and E. From the above condition, case1 gets eliminated. Again we have, H sits exactly in the middle of I and F. F sits fifth to the left of E. I does not sit third to the right of J. Not more than one person sits between H and F. From the above condition, case2 gets eliminated. Case 1a shows the final arrangement
Bank credit to NBFCs (including HFCs) for on-lending will be allowed up to what limit of an individual bank’s total priority sector lending in case of...
Which of the following category(s) is/are covered under Agriculture for which the banks can fulfil the criteria under Priority Sector lending?
Basel committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) was established in _______.
Expand FEDAI
What is the indicator for monitoring of Asset Quality in new Prompt Corrective Action by RBI for Scheduled Commercial Banks?
Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India comes under the administrative control of ______________.
Expand CAMELS as one of the rating systems used by RBI
In terms of market efficiency, short selling is most likely:
Identify the tagline of India Post Payment Bank ?
Which of the following is a window for the banks to borrow from RBI in an emergency when inter-bank liquidity dries up completely.