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S sits immediate right of T. T sits fourth to the left of U. Two persons sit between R and Q.
After that only V is remaining which can be placed on the blank space.
So S sits second to the left of V.
Seven students J, K, L, M, N, O and P are going for an entrance examination. Only two students score more marks than J. M score more marks than N but le...
Radhika ranks 5th in the class of 53 children. What is her rank from the bottom in the class?
In a class of 25 students, a girl is ranked 10th. When two girls joined, her rank was dropped by one. What is her new rank from the end?
In a row of girls Sangeeta is 8th from the right and Kamla is 20th from the left. When Sangeeta and Kamla Interchange position, Ka...
Among five friends W is taller Z but not as K. U is taller than K but not as O. If they stand in decreasing order according to their heights then who st...
Some girls were sitting in a queue. Priya is sitting 14th from left end and Disha is 7th from right end. If there are 4 girls between Priya and Disha,...
On which of the following floor number does D live?
Which of the following given pair is different from rest?
A is heavier than G. M is lighter than J. P is heavier than J but lighter than G. Who among them is heaviest?
What is the weight of Q?