
    Study the following information and Answer the questions below: In a ground there are 2 benches in rectangle form. One rectangle is inside another. Twelve people went to the ground and sit on the benches i.e on two different rectangles-one inside another. A, D, O, P, Q and R are in the outer rectangle facing inward. S, T, U, V, W and X are sitting in the inner rectangle facing outward. They all are sitting in such a way that in each rectangle four persons are sitting in the middle of the sides and two persons are sitting on diagonally opposite corners. Each friend in the inner rectangle is facing another friend of the outer rectangle. A sits on any of the corner. There are exactly two persons sitting between A and Q. W sits second to the left of S. P is facing X and D is not opposite O in the outer rectangle. O is on the immediate left of the one who is facing S. Neither W nor S faces either Q or A. Q is not sitting adjacent to P. T is not facing A. Between T and V there are as many persons as between O and R.

    What is the position of W with respect to

    A Second to the left Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Immediate right Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Fourth to the left Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Immediate left Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E Second to the right Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


      A sits on any of the corner. There are exactly two persons sitting between A and Q. Four persons are sitting in the middle of the sides and two persons are sitting on diagonally opposite corners. From the above information it clear diagram is like this shown below. W sits second to the left of S.  Neither W nor S faces either Q or A. O is on the immediate left of the one who is facing S. Two case for S. W and S Only sit at middle of the sides. CASE 1  P is facing X. Q is not sitting adjacent to P. From here case 1 is eliminated as (no place for P) CASE 2

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