At least two but not more than four people sitting on each edges of the table. PAWAN sits at one of the corner. The one whose age is 36 years, sit second to the left of PAWAN. TARUN is 36 years old. Three persons are sitting between TARUN and ANIKET. ZAHIR sits immediate left of ANIKET. ZAHIR sits at one of the corner of the table We cannot fix the position of SUSHEEL and the one whose age is 42 in case2, so this case is eliminated. VIVEK sits third to the left of SUSHEEL. RAJA sits sixth to the left of VIVEK. The one whose age is 44 sit second to the right of the one who is sitting opposite to RAJA.
हाल ही में संपन्न हुए हॉकी एशिया कम में भारत ने किस देश क...
Which IIT has collaborated with ArcelorMittal to develop Asia's first Hyperloop test track facility?
Planetary scientists call the thin gaseous envelope around the Moon as the _______.
Which ministry is responsible for the PM Vishwakarma Yojana? Which ministry is responsible for the PM Vishwakarma Yojana?
Which organization attained Navratna status on 30th August 2024?
In which Indian state is the Khijadiya Bird Sanctuary located?
Who was the first Governor to sign in Indian currency?
'Narora', the only nuclear power plant of Uttar Pradesh is established in which district?
To empower women and recognize their contribution in society, UN Women in collaboration with Facebook organized a two-day event in Mumbai. The event wa...
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