Note- At least Two but not more than four people sitting on each edgs of the table, C sits at one of the corner. The one whose age is 36 years, sit second to the left of C. G is 36 years old. Three persons are siting between G and M. D sits immediate left of M. D sits at one of the corner of the table. Same Number of people seated in opposite edges. F whose age is 52 sits sixth to the right of the one whose age is 10 less than F and both of them are immediate neighbor of the person sitting at the corner. Neither C nor G is an immediate neighbor F. We cannot fix the position of F and the one whose age is 42 in case2, so this case is eliminated. N sits third to the left of F. E sits sixth to the left of N. The one whose age is 44 sit second to the right of the one who is sitting opposite to E H is an immediate neighbor of the one whose age is 44. The one who is 48years old sits fourth to the right of H. The age of C is equal to half of the age of M. Number of person sits between C and E when counted from left of C is equal to number of person sit between E and the one whose age is 30.
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...'किसी को जीतने की चाह' इस वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द है :
श, स, ष, ह किस प्रकार के व्यंजन है?
एक की वर्तनी शुद्ध है।
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