Sol- A sits on any of the corner. There are exactly two persons sitting between A and E. T sits second to the left of P. Neither T nor P faces either E or A. C is on the immediate left of the one who is facing P. We will see two cases for it- Case 1 – D is facing U. E is not sitting adjacent to D. Now case 1 gets eliminated here. We will continue with case 2. B is not opposite C in the outer rectangle. So B must sit adjacent to E and opposite to P. Q is not facing A. There are as many persons as between Q and S and C and F. F will sit opposite to T in the outer circle as only that place is left for it. So between C and F there are two persons, so between Q and S also two persons will be there, so Q sits opposite to E and S sits opposite to A. And now only R left to sit opposite to C in the inner circle. Thus the final arrangement – Case 2 –
Which of the following numbers will replace the question mark (?) in the given series?
19, 38, 35, ?, 135, 810
Select the option that is related to the third word in the same way as the second word is related to the first word.
Lazy : Hard-working : : Wealthy : ?
The following contains pairs of words which are related to each other in a certain way. Three of the following four word pairs are alike because they ha...
If ÷ means −, − means ×, × means +, + means ÷, what will come in place of the question mark (?)?
77 ÷ 7 × 17 – 49 + 7 = ?
...Select the option figure which has the given figure embedded as its part (rotation of the figure is not allowed).
Which of the given figures when placed in the 5th position would continue the series that is established by the first four figures?
Choose the next number in the series.
40, 52, 76, 88, 112, ?
Which two numbers (not digits) should be interchanged to make the given equation correct?
(18 × 2) – 24 + 10 × 160 ÷ 16 + (10 × 4) = 170
In a certain code language. 'COCK' is written as 'EQEM', and 'DUCK' is written as 'FWEM'. How will 'SWAN' be written in that language?
Two statements A and B are given. There may be a cause-and effect relationship between the two statements. These two statements may be the effect of the...