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Only two persons are sitting between M and R. Only five persons are sitting between R and J. J sits fourth to the right of P. P sits to the right of R. From the above condition, there are two possibilities. Again we have, The number of persons sitting between R and P is one less than between J and X. From the above condition, there are three possibilities.
Again we have, The number of persons sitting between M and J is one more than between M and E. J and E do not sit adjacent to each other. T sits fourth to the right of X. Not more than three persons are adjacent to each other. From the above condition, case2 gets eliminated.
Again we have, The number of persons sitting between J and T is one more than between N and O. O sits third to the right of G. The one who sits immediate right of N sits eighth to the left of the one who sits third to the left of R. O sits to the left of E. More than four persons are sitting between G and E. From the above condition, case1a gets eliminated. Case1 shows the final arrangement.
Six persons R, S, T, U, V and W live on each floor of a six-storey building. The bottommost floor is numbered as 1 while the topmost floor is numbered a...
Z is in which direction with respect to R?
I. Q is 4 km towards north of R. S is 8 km towards west of Q. Z is 4 km towards north of Q.
Who amongst A, B, C, D and E is the second tallest?
I.A is shorter than B, E is not the shortest.
II.C is shorter than A, D is not the shortest.
How is E related to D?
I. D is the son of A’s wife who is the daughter of E’s wife.
II. E’s wife is mother-in-law of D&r...
Five boys – Shikhar, Pritam, Pankaj, Ankit and Priyam are of different heights. Who among the following is the tallest?
I. Pankaj is taller...
Statements: M > N, M > P, O = N
Conclusions: I. P > M II. O < M
...Given below is a question followed by two statements I and II. Read both the statements carefully to decide which one of them is sufficient to answer ...
Is S is brother in law of K?
I) S is the only son of Q, who is mother in law of K. S is unmarried. D is daughter of P.
II) D an...
How will ‘wind’ be written in a certain code?
I. In this code ‘Evening wind is good’ is written as’Kt Rt Ct Pt’.
II. In t...
J, K, L, M and N are sitting around a circular table, facing the centre. Who is on the immediate left of L?
I. J sits between K and N. L is on th...