We have, Only one person sits between A and the one who faces the one who likes white, who doesn’t sit at the ends of the row. D sits immediate right of the one who faces the one who likes white From this condition, there are two possibilities Again we have, Only one person sits between Q and the one who faces D. P is the only neighbour of the one who faces the one who likes yellow, who doesn’t face Q. Again we have, C sits second to the left of the one who faces the one who likes red, which is not liked by R. The one who likes green sits to the left of C, who doesn’t like orange. D neither likes blue nor white. As many persons sit to the right of B as to the left of the one who likes orange from the above condition, case 1 gets eliminated. Hence, case 2 shows the final arrangement. So final arrangment-
Yeast is used for making
Which among the following plant hormone, increases as a plant response under flooding conditions?
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The wild growth of ______ is checked with Cochineal insect in Australia
Blue – green algae grow best in:
What type of radiation is trapped on earth’s surface as a result of greenhouse effect
Fruit is basically a
Country which is pioneer in hybrid rice is :
Chlorosis in plants is caused due to deficiency of
According to latest Final estimates of Foodgrain production 2023-24, Which state is the largest producer of sugarcane in India?