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There are three persons sit between O and N. The person who sits two places away from N sits fourth to the right of M. M sits neither adjacent to O nor adjacent to S. The person who sits immediate left of the vacant seat sits two places away from O. Q does not sit adjacent to O. R sits two places away from Q. The number of persons who sits between N and R is one less than the number of persons who sits between S and Q. M does not sit at the end. Q does not sits right of N.
T sits adjacent to N. This eliminates case 1a. The number of persons who sits between Q and P is same as the number of persons who sits between T and O. This eliminates case 1 and 1a. so final case-2 Case-2
Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the bold word.
Built by King Narasimhadeva I of the Eastern Ganga dynasty from 1238-1250 CE, the 13th cent...
Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.
A person who collects and studies stamps.
Select the most appropriate option to substitute the bold segment in the given sentence.
Purchasing furniture at a low cost could not invo...
In the following question select the answer pair that expresses a relationship most similar to that expressed in the capitalised pair.
Choose the correct ANTONYM for the given word .
The Girls said, “Hurrah! we have won the battle”.