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T sits 4th to the left of Q, who faces outside. U sits immediate left of R, who faces towards the centre. X sits 3rd to the left of R. So, T sits either 2nd to the right of R or 4th to the left of R. Also, X sits either immediate right of Q or 5th to the left of Q. Case I: T sits 2nd to the right of R: Case II: T sits 4th to the left of R:
Two persons sit between X and P, who doesn’t sit 2nd to the left of T. S and V sits immediate left of each other, this is not possible in case II, so case II is rejected. S and T face same direction. So, S and T face towards the centre and V faces outside.
Y doesn’t sit adjacent to R. V and W face same direction as P. U and Y face same direction as X. X doesn’t face outside. So, W faces outside and sits adjacent to R and Y sits immediate right of T. Also, U and Y face towards the centre and P face outside. The final seating arrangement is given below:
Currently, the average age of individuals 'A' and 'B' is 27 years. If the present ages of 'B' and 'C' maintain a ratio of 10:11, determine the age of 'C...
A is 4 years older than B while C is 6 years younger than B. The ratio of age of A, 5 years hence and age of B, 3 years ago is 3:2. What was age of C, 6...
Three years from now, Aman's age will be 80% greater than what it was five years ago. The average of Aman's current age and Bishn...
The ratio of age of A and his son is 8:5. If the difference of their ages 8 year ago is 15, then find the sum of ages of A and his son 10 year hence.
In a classroom there are 14 boys and 11 girls. Average age of each boy and each girl is 21 years and 15 years respectively. The sum of ages of all the b...
Sushil’s present age is 1/2 times of her father’s age. After 13 years, father’s age will be 3 times the age of Sonu. If 3 years ago So...
Present average age of A, B and C together is 44 years. 12 years from now the age of B will be 260% more than the age of A.Four years ago from now while...
Novita's current age is 37.5% greater than Suzuka's, with a difference of 15 years between their ages. Calculate the ratio of Novita's age to Suzuka's a...
Sohan's father was 32 years old when he was born while his mother was 28 years old when his brother, who is two years younger than him, was born. What i...
Present ages of P and Q are in the ratio 3:5 respectively. If Q’s age, 16 years hence from now will be 6 times of P’s age, 6 years ago from now, the...