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T sits 2nd to the left of U, who faces towards the centre. One person sits between T and B. A sits 4th to the right of B. So, A sits immediate right of U. B faces outside W sits 2nd to the left of D, who faces towards the centre. V sits 2nd to the left of C, who doesn’t face same direction as B. W doesn’t sit with U. So, W sits 3rd to the right of B or immediate left of B and C sits immediate left of U or 4th to the right of U. Case I: C sits immediate left of U:
Case II: C sits 4th to the right of U:
X doesn’t sit adjacent to W, so case I is rejected. Immediate neighbors of V face opposite direction to V. So, V must face towards the centre while X and A face outside and W and T face outside. The final seating arrangement is given below
Consider the following multiplication problem:
(PQ) × 3 = RQQ, where P, Q and R are different digits and R # 0.
What is the value of...
A bill for ₹1,840 is paid in the denominations of ₹50, ₹20 and ₹10 notes. 50 notes in all are used. Consider the following statements:
Let p be a two-digit number and q be the number consisting of same digits written in reverse order. If p × q = 2430, then what is the difference betwe...
When a certain number is multiplied by 7, the product entirely comprises ones only (1111…..). What is the smallest such number ?
In an objective type test of 90 questions, 5 marks are allotted for every correct answer and 2 marks are deducted for every wrong answer. After attempt...
A Statement followed by Conclusion - I and Conclusion - II is given below. You have to take the Statement to be true even if it seems to be at variance...
The average weight of A, B, C is 40 kg, the average weight of B, D, E is 42 kg and the weight of F is equal to that of B. What is the average weight of...
There are 9 cups placed on a table arranged in equal number of rows and columns out of which 6 cups contain coffee and 3 cups contain tea. In how many ...
A student appeared in 6 papers. The maximum marks are the same for each paper. His marks in these papers are in the proportion of 5 : 6: 7: 8: 9 : 10. ...
A, B and C are three places such that there are three different roads from A to B, four different roads from B to C and three different roads from A to...