B sits at the middle of the row. As per this statement, the arrangement will look like this: Twopersons sit betweenCand B. Asperthisstatement,therearetwopossiblecases andthearrangementwill look like this: EisanimmediateneighbourofCandsit at the end ofthe row. H sits third from the left end of the row.As per this statement, the arrangement will look like this DisanimmediateneighbourofH. Asperthisstatement, CASEII willfurthergetsplitintoone more case and the arrangement will look like this: Case-2 NumberofpersonssittotherightofFisequalto the number ofpersonssit to theleft of H. IsitsexactlybetweenBandF. At least one person sits between G andAwho does notsitat theendoftherow. As per this statement, CASE I and CASE II will geteliminated and we will continue with CASE II (A) andthefinal arrangement will look likethis:
Which river forms the largest delta in the world?
Consider the following information:
Which one of th...
Who is the author of the novel “I Shall Not Hear the Nightingale”?
Cabinet has approved the continuation of PM SVANidhi beyond March 2022 till December 2024, what was the budget allocated for this scheme?
What are Certificates of Deposits (CDs), and how are they used in the financial market?
Recently who among the following has taken oath as Chief Minister of Maharashtra?
Which one is recognized as the State tree of Tripura?
Which aspects of the Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) Scheme were simplified by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) in July 2024?
<...In which sector FDI was not allowed?
Where was the 25th session of the International Small Tea Holders Confederation held for the first time in India?