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B sits at the middle of the row. As per this statement, the arrangement will look like this: Twopersons sit betweenCand B. Asperthisstatement,therearetwopossiblecases andthearrangementwill look like this:
EisanimmediateneighbourofCandsit at the end ofthe row. H sits third from the left end of the row.As per this statement, the arrangement will look like this
DisanimmediateneighbourofH. Asperthisstatement, CASEII willfurthergetsplitintoone more case and the arrangement will look like this:
NumberofpersonssittotherightofFisequalto the number ofpersonssit to theleft of H. IsitsexactlybetweenBandF. At least one person sits between G andAwho does notsitat theendoftherow. As per this statement, CASE I and CASE II will geteliminated and we will continue with CASE II (A) andthefinal arrangement will look likethis:
Lothal, a prominent city of the ancient Indus Valley Civilisation, is situated in which of the following states?
Which of the following is NOT a plantation crop?
What is the estimated height of the stratosphere, a layer of the Earth's atmosphere above the troposphere?
The finance ministry has granted additional borrowing permission of Rs 7,309 crore to two states for the power sector, which are these two states?
Identify the sheep breed renowned for its fine wool, predominantly found in Haryana?
The Kanger Valley National Park is located in which of the following states?
Which of the following is NOT an example of fixed capital?
Which of the following elements is NOT included in the circular flow of Income in a simple economy?
In which of these states The Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve is been located?
Which one of the following ranges is not a Trans-Himalayan range?