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B sits at the middle of the row. As per this statement, the arrangement will look like this: Twopersons sit betweenCand B. Asperthisstatement,therearetwopossiblecases andthearrangementwill look like this:
EisanimmediateneighbourofCandsit at the end ofthe row. H sits third from the left end of the row.As per this statement, the arrangement will look like this
DisanimmediateneighbourofH. Asperthisstatement, CASEII willfurthergetsplitintoone more case and the arrangement will look like this:
NumberofpersonssittotherightofFisequalto the number ofpersonssit to theleft of H. IsitsexactlybetweenBandF. At least one person sits between G andAwho does notsitat theendoftherow. As per this statement, CASE I and CASE II will geteliminated and we will continue with CASE II (A) andthefinal arrangement will look likethis:
What is the chemical name of Plaster of Paris?
Who discovered the atomic nucleus?
The slow corrosion of iron in the presence of moist air is known as:
Which gas is commonly used to fill balloons?
What is the common name for Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate?
Which of the following is NOT a physical change?
What is the total number of carbon atoms in a molecule of butane?
The gas usually causing explosions in coal mines is-
Which type of hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels without capturing the resultant carbon emissions?
Which one of the following is not a ‘Greenhouse Gas’?