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Two persons are sitting between Z and U who lives in room number 8. U sits at one of the corner of the table. Case-1 Case-2
Three persons are sitting between Z and the one who lives in room number which is square of an odd number(9) but not 1. Case-1
T sits fourth to the right of A who sits adjacent to U. T lives in room number 4. Case-1
Immediate neighbors of U lives in the prime numbered room. Four persons are sitting between W and Y when counted from left of W who is not an immediate neighbor of Z. The one who lives in room number 1 sits third to the left of W who lives in room number 11. Case-1
R and V are immediate neighbors. Q sits second to the right of the one who lives in room number 3. Q and W are not an immediate neighbor of each other. Q and S lives adjacent to each other. The one who lives in room number 12 sits second to the left of X. P lives in room number 10. The room number of R is greater than the room number of Z. Case-1
Case-2 final
In the question below, three sentences are given, each of which has two words highlighted in bold. One of the words in each sentence is inappropriate i...
Select the wrongly spelt word.
(i) The contractor got the agency’s stamp of approval.
(ii) We all desire to leave our stamp on the world.
(iii) Sealing th...
Directions: In each question below, word is used in four different ways. Choose the option in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIA...
The two parties will soon appoint a person to settle the disputes between them .
i. The Prime Minister effected the schemes for farmers and local businessmen in the Northeas...
In the following question, four words have been given out of which one word is incorrectly spelt. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
(i) I could find no real fault with it so I would heartily commend it for use.
(ii) The judges also want to specially commend the ...
In the following question, a word has been emboldened, which has been used in the sentences (A), (B), and (C). Find out the sentence(s) in which the em...
In each of the following questions, a word has been given and used in three statements. You are supposed to identify which of the statement/s use/s the ...