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Two persons are sitting between Z and U who lives in room number 8. U sits at one of the corner of the table. Case-1 Case-2
Three persons are sitting between Z and the one who lives in room number which is square of an odd number(9) but not 1. Case-1
T sits fourth to the right of A who sits adjacent to U. T lives in room number 4. Case-1
Immediate neighbors of U lives in the prime numbered room. Four persons are sitting between W and Y when counted from left of W who is not an immediate neighbor of Z. The one who lives in room number 1 sits third to the left of W who lives in room number 11. Case-1
R and V are immediate neighbors. Q sits second to the right of the one who lives in room number 3. Q and W are not an immediate neighbor of each other. Q and S lives adjacent to each other. The one who lives in room number 12 sits second to the left of X. P lives in room number 10. The room number of R is greater than the room number of Z. Case-1
Case-2 final
There are six persons D, E, F, G, H and I of different heights. D is taller than at least two persons. I is taller than G, who is taller than D. E is t...
Who among the following have equal number of students ahead and behind to him?
Five persons M, N, O, P and Q have different heights. M is taller than Q and P. N is taller than O. M is not taller than N. Who among the following is ...
Read the direction carefully and answer the questions based on them.
Six players L, M, N, O, P, and Q scored different runs in a cricket match....
W is taller than K who is shorter than U. O is taller than D but shorter than K. U is shorter than W. Who is the tallest?
Among seven friends D, E, F, G, H, I and J. E is taller than only four other friends. F is taller than G. D is taller than I. H is taller than one perso...
Who is the second heaviest person?
H is taller than I. J is taller than K but shorter than L. I is shorter than K and K is taller than H. Who is the tallest person?
There are five students U, V, W, X and Y participating in a cricket match. V scores lesser run than only W and U. X scores lesser run than V and more th...
If J has 25 balls and N has 9 balls more than J, then what cannot be the possible number of balls O has?