As per the given information, the one who sits immediate right of D likes Bata. D sits 2ndfrom one of the extreme ends. Only one person sits between D and C. Here we have two possible cases i.e. A sits 4th to the left of G, who sits adjacent to C. Only one person sits between F and G, who likes puma. Case-2 More than three persons sit between A and F. B sits to the left of E. More than two persons sit between the one who likes puma and the one who likes Levis. B is not an immediate neighbor of A. Here Case 1 gets eliminated. Neither D nor C likes woodland. The one who likes Reebok sits 3rd to the left of the one who likes woodland. E does not like Nike. So the final arrangement will be,
निम्न में से विलोम की दृष्टि से शुद्ध है -
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“सिर आंखों पर लेना” मुहावरे का अर्थ क्या है :
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रीता ने ( 1) फल निकाला ( 2) टोकरी से ( 3) अपने हाथ से ( 4) । प्रस्त...
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