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We have, U sits second to the left of the one who uses HP laptops. The one who uses HP laptops and the one who uses Dell laptops are immediate neighbors. From the above condition, there are two possibilities. Again we have, S sits opposite to the one who sits immediate right of R. S neither uses HP nor Dell. From the above condition, there are four possibilities.
Again we have, The one who uses Apple sits second to the left of R. The one who uses Samsung sits immediate left of the one who uses Asus. U neither uses Asus nor Lenovo. From the above condition, Case2, case1a, and case2a get eliminated.
Again we have, Either S or V uses Lenovo. W does not use Dell. From the above condition, case1 shows the final arrangement
P + Q means ‘P is the brother of Q’, P - Q means ‘P is the daughter of Q’, P ÷ Q means ‘P is the husband of Q’, P × Q means ‘P is the so...
If R is the brother of X’s father’s mother in law, then which of the following expression is true?
A@B means 'A is the son of B'. A#B means 'B is the sister of A'. A$B means 'A is the brother of B'. A%B means 'A is the wife of B'. If 'N$O%P@Q%R#S' is ...
'A + B' means 'A is the father of B'. 'A - B' means 'A is the son of B'. 'A ÷ B' means 'A is the daughter of B'. 'A X B' means 'A is married to B'. In ...
Which of the following is definitely true for B + C - D ÷ E + F - G ?
If ' Y $ I @ W, I # T % S, I % P' , then how is Y related to S?
If "S $ T @ U & R % V # W & Y © Z", then how is S related to W?
How is U related to S if ‘R+S@T$W#U? V’ is true?
If "J © K & L # F # G @ H & I % M $ N", then how is G related to K?
Answer the following question based on the direction given below.
If 'A#B' means 'A is the father of B'
'A@B' means 'A is the brother of B...