We have, U sits opposite to the one who sits second to the left of O. Only two persons sit between K and O. K sits to the left of O. From the above condition, there are three possibilities. Again we have, The number of persons sit to the left of U is the same as the number of persons sits to the right of Y. W sits second to the right of Y. J sits immediate left of M, none of them sits at end of the row. Again we have, L sits opposite to the one who sits second to the left of Z. X and Y are not immediate neighbours. From the above condition, case2 and case3 get eliminated. Case1 shows the final arrangement.
विज्ञापनदाताओं को क्रिप्टो विज्ञापनों में अस्वीकरण देन...
Development is about expanding the capabilities of the disadvantaged, thereby improving their overall quality of life.
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गद्यांश के आधार पर receipt acknowledged का सही हिन्दी पर्याय चुनिये।
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