A, mother of P is sitting opposite to the sister of P. 2. Daughter of P is sitting to third to right of sister of P. 3. B is sitting to the immediate left of sister of P. 4. Q is sitting to the immediate right of wife of P. Brother of P is sitting third to right of Q. Case-3 Next we have only 1 position left for placing P in all 3 arrangements as Case-3 P is sitting second to the right of daughter of B. B who is a male is sitting second to the right of mother of R. Y is sitting second to the left of father of P. C is immediate neighbor of P. Y has two children in different genders. Case-2 & 3 gets rejected as these both cases were not satisfied with 8th statement (as we know P is a male member) In case-1, P’s sister, P’s brother and P’s daughter were seated apart from Q. This implies Q must be son of P and the blood relation is shown below, So final arrangement
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