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The one who likes Black walnut sits second to the left of one who likes Blueberry who sits at the bottom side of the rectangular table. From the above conditions, there are two possibilities . U likes Chocolate who sits third to the left of the one who likes Black walnut and U is an immediate neighbor of the one who likes Blue mint. T and U are sitting diagonally opposite to each other.
Q and the one who like Vanilla are immediate neighbors. Q and R are not immediate neighbours. Only one person sits between P and the one who likes blueberry. From the above condition, Case2 shows the final arrangement.
काक का तद्भव शब्द _________ है।
रहिमन जो गति दीप की , कुल कपूत गति सोय।
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'स्वागत' शब्द में कौन सा उपसर्ग है ?
'वह कवि जो तत्काल कविता करे' के लिए एक शब्द है-
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