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V sits fifth from one of the extreme ends of row and sit second to the right of U. It is clear that V sits fifth from the right end and U sits seventh form the right end. Q sits fifth to the left of U. So, Q sits twelfth from the right end. T sits third to the left of V. So, Q sits eighth from the right end. Three persons sit between R and U. So, R sits eleventh form the right end of the row. R sits fourth to the right of P. So, P sits fifteenth from the left end. Four persons sit between S and P. P sits second from one of the extreme ends of row. So, S will sit seventh from the left end.
Jelly in which fruit peels remain suspended is called as
______ weed forms a valuable biological fence
____________is used for measuring percolation and leaching losses from a column of soil under controlled conditions.
Which of the following cattle breeds is utilized as draught purpose while cows are poor yielder?
Legal entitly formed by primary producer organisation group i.e Farmer, milk producer, fisherman etc which can be producer company, Cooperative society ...
The transfer of mineral from top soil to sub soil through soil water is called?
What is the term used for the asexual fruiting bodies produced by fungi?
Based on the host they affect, pests are classified into four kinds. Which of the following is NOT a part of the classification?
The practice of removal of male and female flowers in early stage of plantation in oil palm is called____
The ooze test is done for detecting which pathogen?