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We have, the one who like Germany sits third to the left of the one who sits second to the right of J. Only two persons are sitting between J and L. From the above condition, there are three possibilities. Case-1 Case-2
Again we have, The number of persons sitting to the left of L is the same as the right of the one who like Japan. Only two persons sit between the one who like Japan and M. From the above condition, case1 gets eliminated.
Again we have, N sits third to the left of the one who like Canada. Neither M nor K like Canada. The one who like China sits immediate left of the one who like France. J does not like England. From the above condition, case3 gets eliminated. Case2 shows the final arrangement.
Which of the following combinations is correct?
If all the persons from the top of the building live in ascending order of their experience then, the floor of how many persons remains unchanged?
Who lives in Flat – Z of floor – 2?
Which of the following combinations is definitely correct?
Which of the following combinations of Exam - Day - Time Duration is correct?
Which of the following box is kept just below the box which contains guava?
On which of the following floor does Z live?
Who among the following lives in flat-1 of floor-3?
Who among the following likes ACER?
On which of the following month and date C starts his business?