L born on the even number date but in the month having 31 days but not in January. Only one person born between N and L, who likes ICAR. L born before N. So, N and M born on 6th August and 6th June respectively. Only three persons born between K and the one who likes Graphic era. K born in the month having 30 days but not on the last day of the month. We will have two cases: K born either on 19th June or 19th November and the one who likes born either on 19th November or 19th June. More than two persons born between L and M. So, M born on 6th November. Only two persons born between M and H, who likes DAV. Only one person born between the one who likes DAV and the one who likes FRI. So, H born on 19th August and the one who likes DAV born either on 6th January or 19th November. Only one person born between the one who likes FIT and the one who likes Graphic era. The one who likes FIT born on 19th January but case 1 will get discarded as we cannot place the one who likes FIT. I and J born in the same month. J born on the even date. So, I and J born on 19th January and 6th January respectively. The one who likes CCSU born before the one who likes MIET but born after the one who likes DIT. So, The one who likes CCSU, MIET and DIT born on 6th August, 6th November and 6th January respectively. Final arrangement as shown below:
__________ will become the first deputy managing director of the IMF, replacing Geoffrey Okamoto.
Who is the writer of the book Swatantra Samar ?
Which Indian district hosted the launch of India's first analog space mission by ISRO to simulate lunar habitat conditions?
With whom did Hindustan Aeronautics Limited tie up for the production of Light Combat Aircraft for the Indian Air Force?
What is the theme for The National Nutrition Week 2022?
What initiative was launched to spread awareness about cybercrime and build capacities of CISOs?
Recently Geological Survey of India has for the first time established Lithium inferred resources (G3) of 5.9 million tonnes in which of the following S...
Who inaugurated the National Conference on Agriculture for Rabi Campaign 2024?
Which of the following statements about the NABARD Agri-SURE fund is/are correct?
1. The Agri-SURE fund has an initial corpus of ₹750 crore.
Consider the following statements about Central Bank of India.
I. It was established in 1911.
II. Its headquarters is in Kolkata.