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L, who likes Mango, sits fifth to the right of one who likes Guava, who lives in Haryana. N sits second from one of the extreme end. One person sit between Q, who likes watermelon and N, who likes guava. J, who likes papaya is two places away from one who likes mango and who is not sit at the extreme end.
One who likes papaya and one who lives in Punjab are immediate neighbours. L is not the immediate neighbour of one who lives in Punjab and one who lives in Odisha. Case 2 is not valid, because N and O are facing same directions and both are not sitting in the extreme end. Number of person sit to the left of N is as same as number of person sits to the right of O, who likes apple and faces South.
K and J are facing opposite direction. K is not sitting on the middle seat. N is not the immediate neighbour of K, who lives in Odisha.
P, who lives in Goa sits third to the right of one who in Odisha. One who likes Banana is third to the left of M, who lives in Delhi. One who lives in J&K sits two place away from one who likes Papaya.
One who lives in kerala and one who lives in Sikkim do not sit in the extreme end but both are facing the same direction. Neither L nor J lives in Kerala and Assam. Neither K nor Q likes Kiwi and Banana and both are facing the same direction. One who likes mango is facing same direction as the who lives in Sikkim. One who likes Grapes and one who likes watermelon not sit in the extreme end. Both extreme end persons are facing same direction. Hence, Final arrangements as follows
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Which of the following statements is/are redundant to answer the above questions?
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Which of the following equations represents the number of days in which A and B Working together can finish the same work?
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Which of the following equations represents the number of day in which B and C working together can finish the same work?