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The third tallest person sits third to the left of E, who is shorter than D and taller than A. E is one place away from one of the extreme end and shorter than C, who is shorter than two person. The second shortest person sits four place away from E. > > C D > E > A G is shorter than I but taller than B, who is not the shortest person. I is shorter than D, who is facing south but taller than E. > > C D > I > E > A I > G > B
Neither F nor A is the shortest person. F, who is taller than only H, D > I > C > E > G > A > B > F > H
The tallest person is immediate neighbour of person, who is taller than G. G is facing south. G is taller than A but shorter than E and is second to the right of B. Neither G nor D sits in the extreme end of the row.
Note: G faces south in case 2 Case 2 is not valid, because D is not the immediate neighbour of C. E and F, who is taller than only H, are facing same direction. The second tallest person sits third to the right of C, who is facing opposite direction of E.
Not more than two person are facing same direction in the continuous manner. F is facing opposite direction of G. Immediate neighbour of G are facing opposite direction. Both extreme end person are facing opposite Direction Hence, final arrangements
D > I > C > E > G > A > B > F > H Note: The persons sitting in the extreme ends are facing opposite directions. So, A is facing south direction.
Who among the following person sits fifth to the left of J?
The girl who likes K is facing who among the following girls?
Six persons sit around the circular table facing towards the center. U sits immediate right of R. Q sits second to the left of P. T and S are adjacent t...
How many persons are there between Kajal and the one who faces the person who likes Colours?
A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in a row. E and F are in the centre. A and B are at the ends. C is sitting to the left of A. Who is to the right of Piyush?
Who sits exactly between A and J?
Which of the following colour does E like?
Which of the following is/are true based on the given arrangement?
I. E is an engineer.
II. The doctor is sitting at third place ...
If O related to Y, P related to J then who among the following is related to M?
Who among the following sits second to the left of E?