The number 976512is non-divisible by which of the following numbers?
A number when divided by 45 leaves a remainder 21. What will be the remainder when the square of the same number is divided by 45?
If a number 'a' is divisible by 18 and another number 'b' is divisible by 12, then (a2 – b2) is divisible by:
Find the smallest 4-digit number which when divided by 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 leaves remainder 9.
If the 9-digit number 5y97405x2, is divisible by 72, find the value of (x – 2y) for the greatest value of x.
If the seven-digit number 52A6B7C is divisible by 33 and A, B, C are primes then the maximum value of 3A+2B+5C?
If a number 5678x43267y is completely divisible by 72 then (x+y)?
What will be the remainder when 742 is divided by 48?
Find the quotient of 0.36 ÷ 0.48 (correct to three decimal places).
A seven-digit number 489y5z6 is divisible by 72. Which of the options gives the highest possible product of y and z?