Seven athletes reached final lap of a race, each at a different time. Ravi is immediately behind Pramod but immediately ahead of Suresh. Alok is immediately ahead of Naresh, who is immediately ahead of Pramod. Gaurav is immediately behind Lalit, who is second from the last. Lalit is immediately behind Suresh.
Who is at the third position from the front ?
Alok > Naresh > Pramod > Ravi > Suresh >Lalit > Gaurav. Pramod is third position form the front.
The sum of four consecutive counting numbers is 154. Find the smallest number?
How many Zeros can be formed by multiplying 10×20×30×40×…………….× 3000
The product of four consecutive numbers is always divisible by which of the following numbers?
The difference between the value of the number increased by 20% and the value of the number decreased by 30% is 120. Find the number.
The divisor is 35 times the quotient and 7 times the remainder. If the quotient is 18, the dividend is :
The difference between two numbers is 60% of the larger number. If the smaller number is 10, find the larger number-
If a, 1, b are in arithmetic progression and 1, a, b are in geometric progression, then a and b are respectively equate to _______ (where a ≠ b).
The number 611611611611611611611 is