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U sits third to the right of T. One person sits between T and P. P ___ T ____ ____ U …. (I) T ____ P U ……. (II) Two persons sit between P and Q. One person sits between Q and R, who sits third left of S. S sits on the right of U. P R T Q S U …. (I) Q T R P U S ……. (II) Final arrangement as show below: Q T R P U S
Recently norms related to Minimum Alternative Tax (MAT) has been relaxed for companies facing insolvency process. The provision of MAT is in:
बाडमेर में तल की खुदाई करने वाली कपंनी है ?
Demutualisation is a process that changes a mutual or co-operative association into a public company
What is CPI-based inflation, also known as retail inflation, related to?
Annuity calculation assumes that every payment is
Which of the following states has recently inaugurated its own Olympic?
What is the theme of World Kidney Day's 2024 campaign?
If CAT is coded as DBU, how is DOG coded?
Dharmadhikari Committee is for –
How much revenue growth is expected for state governments in FY25 according to ICRA's projections?