B is sitting at one of the extreme ends. Three people are sitting between B and C B ___ ___ ___ C ……….(I) C ___ ___ ___ B………(II) E is sitting second to the left of C. F is sitting second to the right of D. B D E F C ……….(I) C ___ ___ ___ B………(II) Final arrangement as shown below: B D E F C
In Insects, if the food resources shared equally by the competing members it is called
The term lay farming is related to-
Which state has been announced as the top-performing state in the fifth State Food Safety Index?
Trichoderma viride, a bioagent to control some diseases in crop plants, acts as…………………….
The first wheat variety having short plant height, lodging resistance and higher grain yield was
Suspension culture is generally used for
Site of photo respiration is
What is the cation exchange capacity of humus?
(A) 2 - 15 C mol (p+) kg -1
(B) 250 - 1500 C mol (p+)...
The rise in water-table in any season may be a ______ phenomenon of a short duration.
Which of the following is/are irrational zone(8) of production