
    Seven persons D, E, F, G, H, I and J sit in a linear row but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them faces towards the north. I sits second from an extreme end of the row. Three persons sit between I and H. E sits immediate right of H. G sits third to the right of F. G sits neither at the end of the row nor adjacent to E. D sits to the left of J. 

    Who among the following sits third to the left of

    A D Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B I Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C F Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D H Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    I sits second from an extreme end of the row.  Three persons sit between I and H. E sits immediate right of H. I sits either second from the extreme left end or extreme right end. H sits either fourth to the right or left of I. ____  I ____  _____  ____ H E ……. CASE 1. ____ H  E  ____  ____ I ____ ……. CASE 2. G sits third to the right of F. G sits neither at the end of the row nor adjacent to E.  D sits to the left of J. G sits second to the right of I and F sits immediate left of I. D sits immediate right of I. J sits immediate right of G. F  I D  G  J H E ……. CASE 1. Case 2 will get discarded . ____ H  E  ____  ____ I ____ ……. CASE 2. Final arrangement F          I           D          G         J          H         E

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